The International Brotherhood of Magicians is a very special organisation. The largest magic society in the world, I have so many happy memories of the IBM including one of the first ever performances with my doves in the 'Stars of the Future' show at the British Ring convention (the UK part of the organisation) back in 2008! I performed at many more of their conventions over the years, met many friends there and was thrilled to win their Stage Competition in 2014.
So it was an honour when Richard Cadell, this year's British Ring President, invited me to perform at his President's Party celebrations in Wookey Hole. Richard is a fantastic magician and also the man behind one of my earliest magical heroes - Sooty! I was pinching myself when I found out I'd be performing alongside "the world's greatest ringmaster" Norman Barrett MBE and incredible ventriloquist, Paul Zerdin.
It was much more than the usual dinner and show, with the party lasting all weekend and including visits to the Victorian Penny Arcade (which you can easily get lost in for hours!) and the breathtaking Wookey Hole Caves.
Norman Barrett MBE - Yes our dressing room was Santa's Grotto!
Wookey Hole Caves and some of the amusements.